Governance for Hybrid Cloud Environments

November 17, 2021

Governance for Hybrid Cloud Environments

Welcome to the wild world of cloud governance, where the sky is the limit and the cloud is the way forward. If you're new to the cloud game, let's define what hybrid cloud environments are. A hybrid cloud environment is a mixture of public and private cloud infrastructures that allow organizations to take advantage of the benefits of both environments.

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. Those benefits can quickly become drawbacks if you don't have the right governance framework in place. That's why we're going to compare the various governance models for hybrid cloud environments to help you make an informed decision.

Centralized Governance Model

In a centralized governance model, all policies and oversight are managed by a central authority in the organization. This approach provides strong control and consistency across the organization but can be rigid and slow to respond to new developments.


  • Consistent policies and enforcement across the organization
  • Strong control and oversight
  • Easier alignment with regulations and compliance standards


  • Slow to respond to new developments and changes
  • Heavy bureaucracy, which can be a hindrance to innovation and creativity
  • One size fits all, which can be detrimental to business units with unique requirements

Decentralized Governance Model

The decentralized governance model is the complete opposite of the centralized approach, where departments or business units are in charge of their own policies and oversight. This approach provides greater flexibility and agility but can lead to inconsistencies, duplication, and a lack of compliance.


  • Greater flexibility and agility
  • Faster response to new developments
  • Closer alignment with departmental needs and requirements


  • Increases the risk of governance fragmentation and duplication
  • Lack of standardization across the organization
  • Compliance and regulatory risk.

Federated Governance Model

Lastly, we have the federated governance model that is a blend of the centralized and decentralized approaches. It allows for a central authority to manage certain aspects of governance, while departments or business units can manage others. This approach provides a balance between control and flexibility, ensuring the optimal level of governance across the organization.


  • Allows for optimal balance in control and flexibility
  • Greater agility and faster response to new developments
  • Can align with departmental needs while maintaining consistency


  • Adds complexity to governance
  • Requires close collaboration and coordination among stakeholders
  • Requires a robust framework to ensure consistent application of policies


In conclusion, when it comes to governance for hybrid cloud environments, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. Each model has its pros and cons, and it ultimately depends on your organization's needs and requirements.

But it's essential to ensure that you keep the balance between control and flexibility in mind while making your decision. Remember, the cloud offers infinite possibilities, and you need the right governance framework to make the most of it!


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